Output variables of climate projections obtained with RCM-SEEVCCC are available on 6h for atmospheric varibales and as 5 days average values for ocean variables.

Atmospheric output variables: Ocean output variables:
● Geopotential of surface/topography, m
● Sea/land mask, 1/0
● U wind (standard pressure levels), m/s
● V wind (standard pressure levels), m/s
● Temperature (standard pressure levels), K
● Specific humidity (standard pressure levels), kg/kg
● Cloud water mixing ratio (standard pressure levels), kg/kg
● Surface temperature, K
● Temperature on 2m, K
● Specific humidity on 2 m, kg/kg
● U 10m wind, m/s
● V 10m wind, m/s
● Temperature on 10m, K
● Specific humidity on 10m, kg/kg
● Accumulated precipitation total (6h accumulation), m/m^2
● Accumulated snow (6h accumulation), m
● Accumulated convective precipitation (6h accumulation), m/m^2
● Soil moister content, m^3/m^3
● Latent heat flux on surface, W/m^2
● Short wave incoming on surface, W/m^2
● Long wave incoming on surface, W/m^2
● Sensible heat flux on surface, W/m^2
● Elevation, m
● U barotropic vel., m/s
● V barotropic vel., m/s
● U surf. momentum flux, m/s
● V surf. momentum flux, m/s
● Surf heat flux, W/m^2
● Surf short wave flux, W/m^2
● U bot. momentum flux, m/s
● V bot. momentum flux , m/s
● Temp. on sigma levs, °C
● Salinity on sigma levs, psu
● U vel. on sigma levs, m/s
● V vel. on sigma levs, m/s